Introduction to data assimilation
Data assimilation is about the combination of two sources of information - computational models and observations - to utilize both of their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses.
Computational models are available nowadays for a wide range of applications: weather prediction, environmental management, oil exploration, traffic management and so on. They use knowledge of different aspects of reality, e.g. laws of physics, empirical relations, human behavior, etc., to construct a sequence of computational steps, by which simulations of different aspects of reality can be made.
The strengths of computational models are the ability to describe/forecast future situations (also to explore what-if scenarios), in a large amount of spatial and temporal detail. For instance, weather forecasts are run at ECMWF using a horizontal resolution of about 50 km for the entire earth and a time step of 12 minutes. This is achieved with the tremendous computing power of modern-day computers, and with carefully-designed numerical algorithms.
However, computations are worthless if the system is not initialized properly: “Garbage in, garbage out”. Furthermore, the “state” of a computational model may deviate from reality more and more while running, because of inaccuracies in the model, aspects that are not considered or not modeled well, inappropriate parameter settings and so on. Observations or measurements are generally considered to be more accurate than model results. They always concern the true state of the physical system under consideration. On the other hand, the number of observations is often limited in both space and time.
The idea of data assimilation is to combine a model and observations, and optimally use the information contained in them.
Some theory that might be helpful to understand the basics of data assimilation includes the distinction between offline and online methods, the statistical framework used, the notions of deterministic and stochastic models, noise models, the combination of values (weights are needed), data assimilation on top of an existing model, and the general structure of filtering methods.
In this documentation, we give a bit of information about the statistical framework. We do not aim for completeness but only give a bit of context to the methods used. An open-source text book considering the fundamentals of data assimilation can be found here.
Variational methods
Variational methods aim to adjust a model solution to all the observations available over the assimilation period. In variational methods, one first defines a scalar function which, for any model solution over the assimilation interval, measures the “distance” or “misfit” between that solution and the available observations. The so-called cost function will typically be a sum of squared differences between the observations and the corresponding model values. One will then look for the model solution that minimizes the cost function.
In OpenDA, we have implemented a variational method called 3DVar, but the most common is to use one of the sequential methods described below.
Sequential Methods
While variational methods are based on the minimization of the cost function within a time interval, sequential methods assimilate the data each time the observation becomes available.
Let \(x^f(k)\) represent the forecast state at time \(t_k\), while \(x^a(k)\) is the analysis state at the same time, also called the adjusted state. Furthermore, \(y^o(k)\) is the observation, and \(H\) is the interpolation operator from the model state to the observation space. Then, the adjusted model solution can be computed as
Here, the Kalman gain matrix, \(K(k)\), determines the change to the model prediction based on the difference between the current model forecast, \(H(k)x^f(k)\), and the observation, \(y^0(k)\). Various methods are available to determine this Kalman gain.
Optimal interpolation
One popular sequential method is related to optimal interpolation. This method uses a gain matrix based on an empirical covariance function or matrix. The basic assumption is that both the forecast and the observation error are normally distributed with mean zero and known covariances. The idea of optimal interpolation is to set the analyzed state to the conditional mean of the true state given the observations: \(x^a(k)=E[x^t(k)|y^o(k)]\), where \(x^t(k)\) is the true state at time \(t_k\).
OpenDA supports the method of steady-state Kalman filtering where the \(K\) matrix is computed in a previous run using, for instance, EnKF. This can be considered a special form of optimal interpolation. However, we mostly use Kalman filtering, which is described below.
Kalman filtering
In OpenDA, we mostly use Kalman filtering to calculate the adjusted model solution. Kalman filtering can be seen as an extension of the optimal interpolation scheme, accounting for the evolution of errors from previous times. The target of the Kalman filter is to obtain a distribution for the true state in terms of a mean \(\hat{x}\) and covariance matrix of the model uncertainty \(P\), given the model and the measurements. The Kalman filter also assumes normally distributed forecast and observation errors. The Kalman filter has originally been derived for linear systems, which in state-space form can be written as:
where \(x\) is the system state, \(M\) the linear model operator, \(\eta \sim N(0,Q)\) the system noise, \(y\) the predicted observation, \(H\) the observation operator to interpolate from state space to observation space, and \(\nu \sim N(0,R)\) the observation error.
The algorithmic implementation of this Kalman filter consists of two steps:
Forecast step: in this step, we forecast a new model state, \(x^f(k)\), and a new covariance matrix of the model uncertainty, \(P^f(k)\).
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} x^f(k) &= M(k-1) x^a(k-1); \\ P^f(k) &= M(k-1) P^a(k-1) M^\top(k-1) + Q(k-1). \end{align}\end{split}\]Here, \(Q(k-1)\) is the injected state uncertainty at time \(t_k\), that is used, for example, when noise at the boundaries is applied.
Assimilation step: here, the adjusted model solution is computed by adding information from the measurements. Similarly, we calculate \(P^a(k)\).
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} x^a(k)&=x^f(k) + K(k) (y^o(k) - H(k) x^f(k)); \\ P^a(k)&=(I-K(k) H(k)) P^f(k), \\ \end{align}\end{split}\]where the Kalman gain matrix is given by
\[K(k) = P^f(k) H(k) (H(k) P^f(k) H^\top(k) + R(k))^{-1}.\]Here, \(R(k)\) is the covariance matrix of the measurement errors.
\(P^a(k)\) should be ‘smaller’ than \(P^f(k)\) since we are closer to the real state after incorporating the measurements. Note that we need to choose a matrix \(P^f(0)\) to start with. We can start with an initially-generated ensemble, based on ‘engineering knowledge’; or, for models where the main source of uncertainty is the boundary values, we generate the initial ensemble by running the ensemble for some time and injecting random noise to the boundary values.
The Kalman filter gives optimal estimates for \(x\) and \(P\) in the case of linear models. The main problem of applying the Kalman filter directly to environmental models is the computation of the covariance matrix \(P\). Since such models usually have a large number of states (e.g. \(O(10^4)\)), the covariance matrix will also become very big, which causes very expensive computational costs or even the impossibility of computing it.
Another problem is that the real-life model is usually nonlinear, and the state vector is large. In OpenDA, we have implemented three popular algorithms that can be used to modify the Kalman filter for these situations.
Reduced-Rank Square-Root Filtering
The reduced-rank square-root (RRSQRT) filter algorithm is based on a factorization of the covariance matrix of the model uncertainty according to \(P=LL^\top\), where \(L\) is a matrix with the \(q\) leading eigenvectors \(l_i\) (scaled by the square root of the eigenvalues), \(i=1,...,q\), of \(P\) as columns. All details about this method can be found in the PhD thesis written by Martin Verlaan.
Ensemble Kalman filtering
While the RRSQRT represents the covariance matrix \(P\) based on the first \(q\) leading eigenvectors, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is based on a representation of the probability density of the state estimate by a finite number \(N\) of randomly generated system states. More information about the EnKF method can be found in a paper and a book, both written by Geir Evensen.
Ensemble Square-Root Filtering
There are two fundamental problems associated with the use of EnKF. First, the ensemble size is limited by the computational cost of applying the forecast model to each ensemble member. The second problem is that small ensembles have few degrees of freedom available to represent errors and suffer from sampling errors that will further degrade the forecast error covariance representation. Sampling errors lead to loss of accuracy and underestimation of error covariances. This problem can progressively worsen, resulting in filter divergence.
In ensemble square-root filters (ENSRF), the analysis step is done deterministically without generating any observation noise realization. Since no random sample is generated, this extra source of sampling error is eliminated. Therefore, these methods are expected to perform better than the ones with perturbed observations for certain types of applications.
More information about the ENSRF method can be found in the paper written by Whitaker and Hamill.